Tuesday, April 09, 2013

How to stop farting

Farting is only a natural phenomenon and affects all people and of all ages. There is a yeast inside all people called Candida albicans and in about 80% of the population, this yeast tends to be overgrown which thus causes a lot of health problems with flatulence and gas problems topping the list. You can find out more about the real reason behind this farting and measures that you can take to stop it altogether.

Tips to reduce your gas problems

Chew your food properly. You may not realise it but when you do not chew properly and just swallow your food, there is a lack of digestive enzyme production which then affects the quality of the food being digested and also the amount being digested at the end.

Go for light foods. When you have heavy meals, whether you realise it or not, your digestion time is elongated and there is more stress on your body to digest the meal and when you eat a lot at once without proper swallowing, a good portion of the food will tend to go undigested. This will thus lead to fermentation of the food inside of your body and the release of gas from your body. To prevent this, you can go for lighter meals in a more frequent manner.

Bowel problems. When there is any blockage or such problems with your bowels, there will be the accumulation of gas. You can go for fibre shakes daily as 1tbsp 3-5 times per day to loosen the blockage and get rid of the situation. At first, the amount of gas in your body may increase but this is just temporarily until your colon is all cleared out.

The famous cause behind farting

As mentioned earlier, there is a yeast in the bodies of 80% of people called Candida albicans which can cause a lot of health problems such as gas to digestive complications to more complex ones like mental fogs, depression etc. Candida can develop in the body in the same way as cancer cells over time and research has shown candida overgrowth to be the greatest unknown reason for cancer. So it is in each person’s interest to know how to eliminate this yeast from the body and to avoid foods that encourage its growth and go for foods which kill it.

Most important things in learning the guitar

Many people who play the guitar and have been doing so for some years still are not satisfied with their music after long periods of time; they think that they are right where they started and have not made much progress at all. This is often because they have not been able to build on the right foundations right from the beginning and are thus frustrated with the way that they play. There are certain players that have been playing for two years that are better than some people who have been playing for more than 5 years. This is because of a lack of the basics which happens to a lot of people.

One of the most crucial things when it comes to learning to play the guitar is to build on the right foundations. Three important factors are important for a strong base.

Listening – being able to listen attentively and train the ears for it is of utmost importance for all guitarists. Many of them though feel that this is a boring and time wasting exercise and so ignore it without realising that this listening practice can take them up to the next level.
In order to help guitarists in this task, they can go for ear training software on the internet which will be able to improve their listening abilities and it can be really fun too; once you learn how to use the software, it can look like playing a game.

Practice – listening and guitar playing – it goes without saying that guitarists who want to progress have to practice daily both in terms of playing the instrument and listening carefully. It is advised of novice players to practice with the pentatonic scales in the beginning which are the easiest scales with only 5 simple tones. Go for a session of 20-30 minutes’ practice daily and concentrate fully on what you are doing in a relaxed state; practising for hours in an agitated state will not help you at all.

Teacher – with the internet, you can get an online teacher or lessons in no time at all. This is a very easy means to learn to play the guitar with no cost involved. The only hitch may be in finding the right lessons or what to begin with but you can get beginner tutorials to help you in the process.